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Theater Reviews
World premiere of The Trunk set at the Flea
Writer’s Desk Entertainment will present the world premiere of The Trunk by John Seresi beginning March 28 at the Flea Theater (20 Thomas St). Directed by Anthony Misiano, the show will run through April 12. The Trunk is about a charming curmudgeon who enlists his best friend’s son to help him sort through the contents of his New York apartment after receiving a diagnosis if incipient dementia. The Trunk will star actors David John Philips, Luke Surretsky and Maggie Champagne. For tickets and more information, visit —Edward Karam
Brad Lawrence’s solo play The Big Secret will be presented by FRIGID New York at Under St. Marks (94 St. Marks Place) from Feb. 16–27. Starring Lawrence, the play involves two teens in an evangelical youth group, Brad and Jessica. Jessica finds herself pregnant by her boss and has an abortion. Later she becomes the victim of domestic violence, and Brad is left to wonder what he could have done. For tickets and more information about the 60-minute play, click here. —Edward Karam
Grangeville, the title of Samuel D. Hunter’s new piece is, as in most of his plays—Pocatello, Lewiston/Clarkston, Greater Clements (but not The Whale)—the Idaho setting of his latest drama, a two-hander about estranged half-brothers coming together to rehash a lot of anguished family history. If the result is disappointing, it’s because Hunter is working over well-tilled ground.